Thursday, December 20, 2007

Energy Bill with 35 MPG CAFE

No big post today. I'm working on a story about EVs and driving range, so look for that soon.

So the news is, we passed an energy bill with a 35MPG CAFE standard by 2020, and Bush actually signs it. We had to toss requirements for renewable electricity and keep subsidies for oil and coal, but hey, better than nothing. Hooray. We'll need it. Future energy prices are anyone's guess, but there's a good chance fuel prices would've dictated 35 MPG cars in 2020 if CAFE didn't.


watercarrier4diogenes said...

Good point about fuel prices indicating 35 mpg. Dictating to Detroit can be done, by $$/mile driven concerns of their not-as-captive-as-they-wish customer base. To paraphrase Eliza Doolittle, "Just You Wait, 'enry Ford, Just You Wait"

jackie100 said...

From my understanding, it seems like the CAFE standards apply to the entire fleet and not individual cars. Car companies can still sell SUV's and trucks if they offset them with EV's and hybrids.

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